
SAARP was established in 1982, with the aim of promoting the interests of over fifties in South Africa.

We negotiate with various companies in order to provide competitive prices and excellent services at greatly reduced costs to members.

Our main source of income (excluding donations) is the commission which we receive when members use our products. We need members to support us in order to survive, and in return we offer members excellent services at reduced costs.


  • A Membership card Providing Discount and Redeemable Loyal Points
  • SAARP Short Term Insurance Policies 
  • SAARP Holiday Club
  • SAARP Family Protection Plan
  • ICOD(in case of death)
  • ICOS(in case of sickness)
  • SAARP Discounted Wills Without Drafting or Holding Costs
  • Retirement Guide What Retirement Is All About
  • Social Clubs - There Are 18 Of These Scattered Across the Country
  • Affordable Spectacles 
  • Discounted Hearing Aids
  • Articles On Topics of Interest to Our Members
  • Short Stories
  • Free Monthly E-Newsletters

For more information click here.