Yes, it’s often easier and convenient to season food with a ready-made sauce or a pre-prepared, store-bought option from a packet or jar. Unfortunately, it’s not always as healthy as you may think.

Heleen Meyer has a passion to inspire and teach us all about a healthier way of eating. She avoids the word ‘diet’ as far as possible and says we should all aim to make healthy eating a way of life.


Double the benefit

One important principle of a healthier way of eating is to use less sugar, salt and highly processed foods in your meals. That includes the seasonings we use. By choosing fresh herbs, spices, and elements like garlic, ginger, bay leaves and chillies, you will already make your meals healthier. And the beauty of using these seasonings is two-fold: firstly, by omitting the unhealthy elements, you already benefit from using less of that in your meals. Secondly, fresh and natural seasonings all have other health benefits as well, so they do more than just make your food taste great. For example, ginger and many fresh herbs are known to be very good for your metabolism, digestive system and immune system. Just try it, you will be adding flavour and wholesomeness to your meals at the same time.


Synergy of flavours

By combining flavours that complement one another, you don’t need many ingredients or seasonings to have a delicious plate of food. Two combinations that are perfect examples are butternut and cinnamon or tomato and basil – two elements that are delicious on their own, but once combined, you have a heavenly explosion of flavours. Have you tried cumin seeds over roasted sweet potatoes or added fresh mint, origanum or rocket to a basic tomato salad? It’s so delicious.


You may have read the previous blog Lemon is the new salt where Heleen tells us all about the versatility of lemon as the ‘new salt’. Do read that as well for some practical tips and inspiration.


And watch the video from Heleen’s Eat.Cook.Live.Better series on seasonings below.


Visit Heleen’s website ( for more recipes like this.

Image by Adel Ferreira


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